Ongoing Thankfulness

As someone who would describe herself as Eeyore rather than Tigger in the personality stakes, I would not say that thankfulness is an inherent part of my nature. I remember, however, being extremely challenged as a young Christian when I discovered Eph 5:20 (‘Sing and...

Good News Friday

BBC Radio Sheffield is devoting the whole of 17th March to ‘Good News Friday’, seeking stories of good news in our local communities. The news so often seems to focus on one disaster after another and can be very depressing, so it’s great to hear of the media...

Meaningful Work

They were a workforce of 8,580, men aged between 30 and 50 at the peak of their prime. What an asset to any employer! To put it in context, the pottery firms in North Staffordshire employ 8,500. It’s not a huge number like employers like Tesco or other retail...

Letting Go of Worry

If there’s anything I need to let go of, it is probably a tendency to worry. For many of us, worry is so much a part of our everyday lives that we simply can’t imagine a life without it. ‘I just can’t help it,’ we say defensively if anyone challenges our neurotic...

GIving Gossip A Wide Berth

Celebrity magazines and newspapers thrive on gossip: casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true. There is something perversely enjoyable about these reports and a whole industry has...