Giving Up Doubt

It’s very easy to doubt God, especially when life is not going the way we think it should! Often, we identify with the psalmist who envied the arrogant when he saw the prosperity of the wicked (see Ps 73) or with Habakkuk, who was frankly baffled when God told him...

Avoiding Hypocrisy

One of our favourite TV shows is ‘Outnumbered’, a series which looks at family life through the eyes of two parents and three children. Karen, the youngest daughter, is ruthlessly honest in her appraisal of situations and can spot double talk and hypocrisy...

A Living Legacy

When my son was small, he adored Star Trek: The Next Generation, a new take on a much beloved old series. At a dedication service, we inevitably think about the next generation, and tonight we looked at the idea of ‘a living legacy’ – what are we...

Esther’s Dedication

Today’s evening service was a dedication service for Esther. Friends came from all over the UK to help with preparations for this event, making the community room look very different: Other friends worked hard to make a unique dedication cake: A practical...

God’s In Control

Mark left us with various quotes to ponder: I’m reminded also of the song ‘Just Be Held’ by Casting Crowns with its line ‘Your world’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place’, and Jeremy Camp’s song ‘Walk By...