Watching Our Speech

For years I worked in a school and witnessed first-hand the effects of children’s words on each other. The old rhyme ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me’ is a blatant lie; Wes King’s song ‘Sticks and Stones’ exposes the pain words can...

Unexpected Opportunities

One of the things I am learning is flexibility – not the stretchy physical kind to which Djokovic and my son aspire, alas, but generally letting go of my desire to be in control. Quite often, flexibility is forced on me – this morning being a case in...


During this period of Lent, we need not only to be prepared to give up things but to take on new attitudes and ways. If we are to avoid the sins of hypocrisy and pretence – looking good on the outside but being rotten inside, whitewashed sepulchres, as Jesus described...

Indian activities

Mark gave us a taste of India (literally) in a curry-tasting game: The winning pair: Other prize winners: Garry’s quiz tested our general knowledge (the currency of India is the rupee; New Delhi is the capital; India gained independence from the UK in 1947 and...