Further Objections to the Bible

The Bible was originally in Hebrew and Greek, so there will be errors made in translation. Anyone who has used Google Translate or tried to decipher a menu literally translated into English will understand that the fact the Bible was not written in our native language...

Common Objections to the Bible (1)

There are bound to be errors in copying that make it impossible to know what the original meaning was The Bible as we know it today contains 31,173 verses and even if scribes (the people who copied it) were extremely careful, it’s inevitable they would make simple...

The History of the Bible

Last night in our series ‘The Bigger Picture’, we looked at how the Bible actually came to be handed down to us. We believe that ‘all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God...

More baptismal photos

Here are a few more photos of Jade’s baptism: Setting up the baptistery beforehand, heating the water: Jade answering questions before the baptism and listening to verses given to her (John 15:9/ Col 2:6-7): Everyone watching! The joy of a baptismal service is...

What’s Your Focus?

In photography, the photographer focuses on a particular object and draws the eye to certain things; how a photograph is framed or composed gives a definite focus to how we look at the photo. In this photo, the rose is the focus of our attention, with the rest of the...