Promise, power and purpose

On this day of Pentecost, Garry spoke from Acts 1:1-11, talking about how Jesus wanted to teach the disciples about the promise, power and purpose of the Holy Spirit, even though the disciples wanted to talk about the coming of the kingdom! The Promise The coming of...

The Mind of Christ

The Bible study on 1 Cor 2:6-16 continued looking at Paul’s exposition of the differences between human wisdom and God’s wisdom. Human wisdom can only reflect human knowledge and perspectives, which will focus on temporal matters only. God’s wisdom (which may be...

Food for thought

I like films that make me think (as well as ones when I don’t have to think at all…!)  Last night I watched the 2014 film ‘Calvary’, wondering whether this would be yet another film which lambasted the Catholic church over paedophile priests...