On this day of Pentecost, Garry spoke from Acts 1:1-11, talking about how Jesus wanted to teach the disciples about the promise, power and purpose of the Holy Spirit, even though the disciples wanted to talk about the coming of the kingdom!

The Promise

The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was different to receiving the Holy Spirit at salvation (see John 20:19-22). The Holy Spirit was present in the Old Testament (see Num 11:24-30 and 1 Sam 10:9-11), but on these occasions, the Holy Spirit was given to selected people (70 elders or Saul) for a limited time. The Spirit rested upon people but did not dwell with them permanently. Joel’s prophecy (Joel 2:28-29) was different to these examples, since he prophesied that the Spirit would be poured out on all people and Jesus confirmed this in John 14:15-18, when He told us that the Counsellor would be with them forever.  Jesus had to be exalted before the Spirit could be poured out (John 7:37-39), but this promise has now been fulfilled and can be experienced by all God’s people.

The Power

The Holy Spirit brings power, strength and ability to God’s people, bestowing spiritual gifts on His church (1 Cor 12:7-11) which enable us to have wisdom and understanding (see also Num 11:16-17 and Ex 31:1-6). Bezalel’s skill was given by the Holy Spirit and we must acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is able to give power in many different ways.

The Purpose

The purpose of the Spirit’s coming is that we should be witnesses to all Jesus has done (see John 14:24-26). The gifts of power He distributes are not for decoration or to focus attention on us, but to show God is here and working in our midst. As God works by His Spirit, He wants to fill us all, giving us new purpose to declare His goodness.