Visiting speaker Yan Handley spoke about winning the battle against worry last night, encouraging us to believe that we don’t just cope with this, but can be conquerors in Christ.
Matthew 6:25-34 sees Jesus addressing the question of worrying, telling us not to worry or be anxious. The truth will set us free (John 8:32), so it’s important to fill our minds with the truth of God’s word. Jesus gives us the ability NOT to be afraid (John 14:1) and submitting to His rule enables us to overcome worry.
(1) Renew our thinking
God has promised perfect peace to those whose minds are fixed on Him (Is 26:3). He has assured us that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength (Phil 4:13). Romans 8:6 tells us that the mind set on the Spirit brings life and peace to us and we are urged to take captive every thought to Christ (2 Cor 10:5) so that we can be transformed in our thinking (Rom 12:2). Phil 4:6-7 gives us the answer to how our thinking can be renewed: “Don’t be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
(2) Re-evaluate our priorities
We have to ‘follow the Maker’s instructions’ to get the best results from life! Jesus tells us to seek first the kingdom of God, rather than having our minds fixed on earthly things (such as food, drink and what we will wear.) We need to be still before God (Ps 46:10) and seek His priorities for our lives.
(3) Recognise our worth to God.
We are of immense value and worth to God. Low self-esteem can stop us believing that God loves us, but His perfect love can drive out fear (1 John 4:18). Jesus teaches His disciples about the Father-child relationship we all have, where we can be secure in the revelation of the relationship we have. Jesus reminded His disciples of how much more valuable they were to God than the sparrows and the lilies of the fields.
(4) Realise that worry changes nothing
Matt 6:27 reminds us that all the worrying in the world actually doesn’t change any situation or make it any better. We have to cast our burdens on the Lord, for He will sustain us and will not let the righteous fall (Ps 55:22). We can be like Mount Zion – immovable! (Ps 125:1) Worry involves a lot of hypothetical fretting about tomorrow, but Jesus urges us to let each day unfold in God as it happens, rather than worrying about tomorrow.
(5) Repent of our negative attitudes
Repentance gets to the heart of the issue, for we damage ourselves and others when we worry. We also displease God, for it’s like a vote of no-confidence in God, doubting His loving care and ability to work all things together for good. Worry is ‘unholy meditation’. Doubt and unbelief open the door to worry and we have to repent of the wrong thoughts and recommit ourselves to living as God wants if we are to know victory over worry.