The whole theme of the anniversary weekend has been ‘He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.’ Stephen’s sermon on Sunday morning had a startling take on this theme. He sat at the front and apparently went to sleep!
He then spoke from Mark 16:15-20, talking about how Jesus appeared to His disciples after the Resurrection.
If God is in charge of our world, in control of everything that happens to us and is looking after all of His creation, then there is no need for us to worry or fret or spend so much time trying to make things work out the way we want them to. Jesus told His disciples that worrying could not make them grow an inch or add a year to their lives. Worry is pointless and undermines the faith we profess to have in God. We need to learn to live out what we believe and rest in God’s sovereignty and control, for His unfailing love is reliable and steadfast and His power is unlimited. Being content in God’s sovereignty doesn’t absolve us from responsibility, however. These verses give us a command, to go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. We have a responsibility, as Adam did, to tend the wonderful world we live in and to spread the good news wherever we go. God is in control! He’s got everything in His hands.