We all need goals and aims in life if we are to find purpose in what we are doing, but for so many of us, our lives are motivated simply by what feels good for us (short-term hedonistic goals). If it looks good, we do it. If it feels good, we do it. We are fed the philosophy, ‘nothing is wrong if it makes you happy’ and so we base our living on such motivation, only to discover that selfish goals often leave us dissatisfied and we are not always happy even if we have everything we have aimed for.

Ps 73 captures the dissatisfaction so many of us feel with life as we enviously look on others who seem to be doing well even though they have no regard for God. We need to have an eternal perspective if we are to live life focussing on God’s purposes and plans rather than our own ambitions.

When we live according to God’s perspective, our values and goals will become shaped and moulded so that we no longer live ‘as the pagans do’, as Jesus says to His disciples. We don’t have to run about worrying about what we will eat and drink or wear, because we have a heavenly Father who cares for us. (Matt 6:25-34) We are therefore free to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness (Matt 6:33); we are free to live life fuelled by different motives – no longer needing to ‘look after number one’ (because God will take care of our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus!), but free to serve God and live according to His ways. Is 26:8 says ‘Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, we wait for You; Your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.’ If our motivation for living is God’s name and renown, then we can be sure we will have the fuel we need to live according to God’s ways.