To whet one’s appetite means to arouse, heighten or sharpen it, the spelling coming from the Old Saxon word ‘hwat’ meaning ‘sharp’. To whet means to sharpen or to make more acute, and thus appetites are whetted (sharpened) by tasty morsels or glimpses of desirable things.

Here are some photos, therefore, of some of the homemade baking available to eat tomorrow!

Apple sponge cakes with buttercream/ apple topping:

img_3737img_3738Chocolate fudge cake with snowflake decorations:

img_3739Chocolate cake:

img_3745Lemon drizzle cake:

img_3742Black Forest buns with cherries, topped with fresh cream and a cherry:

img_3743 img_3744Apple pie snowflakes & mince pie snowflakes:

img_3615This is just a selection of the food available at the Christmas Market, which runs from 4-8 p.m. on Friday 9th December. Come along for a great afternoon of Christmas bargains on the market and then visit the church hall for hot drinks (tea, coffee, deluxe hot chocolate with whipped cream and flake or marshmallows or homemade tomato soup if you prefer savouries) and a chance to win raffle prizes and buy craft items prepared by different churches. Knitted items, tree decorations, jewellery boxes and all kinds of craft things to buy, plus activities to keep you occupied!

Inside the hall you can:

  • take out your frustration by hitting the donkey piñata and win sweets
  • win some lovely prizes through the tombola stall or other competitions
  • win prizes for children in different games
  • have a go at the raffle (prizes include a food hamper, beauty sets, vouchers from different local shops/ market stalls and a home-knitted scarf)

There will also be the opportunity to join in the ‘Churches Together’ community carol service at 6 p.m. when we’ll be singing carols in the church car park and you’ll get a free goody bag when you arrive, so please do come along for a great afternoon/ evening out!