Mark spoke from 2 Tim 3:16-4:5 this morning, looking at Paul’s encouragement to Timothy. Chapter 3 ends with probably the Bible’s most comprehensive description of itself: “all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that all God’s people may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16-17). It is ‘the product of God’s creative breath’ and it enables us to be equipped for every task God calls us to do (even when we personally feel ill-equipped to do those tasks!)
Paul encourages Timothy to preach the Word – to be a herald, a proclaimer, to communicate and make clear through public announcement all that God has done. Even if we don’t feel up to the task, God has entrusted us with the mission of making His word known to people – to convince them, showing them their need, to teach them that sin separates us from God but also to encourage them that Christ has made the way for us to be reconciled to God. We are to preach this word with great patience, for it can take years to have an impact on people, but we have to leave the timing with God!
Many people don’t particularly want to hear about God or to hear sound doctrine. We have to be ready and willing to talk about God, being watchful (listening to God), putting up with affliction, doing the work of an evangelist (even if we don’t feel particularly ‘called’ to it!) and discharging all the duties of our ministries. We all have different roles in ministry and God may well call us to do things we’d rather not do. God is able to work all things together for good, however, and it is good to develop an attitude of faithful submission and a willingness to serve in whatever ways we can.