Dave spoke tonight from Matt 21:12-17, when Jesus overturned the tables at the Temple and accused people of turning God’s house into a den of robbers. This episode does not match our image of Jesus as ‘meek and mild’, but shows us how Jesus cared passionately about injustice. He did not want the money-lenders and others to exclude people through their practices and wanted all people to have access to worship and to a personal relationship with God.
Whilst this episode shows us Jesus in justifiable anger, we also see that He cared about people and wanted to ensure that all could draw near to God. He was frequently criticised for spending time with tax collectors, sinners and prostitutes, but this shows us how He welcomed everyone. People were drawn to Him; they liked Him. They recognised a warmth and acceptance which was not at all incompatible with holiness but which was very different to the sanctimonious pride shown by religious leaders.
We too need to draw people to God, welcoming them and accepting them as they are. God welcomes the rich and the poor, the clever and those not-so-clever, the able and disabled, the ‘good, bad and ugly.’ We too must work like Jesus to bring freedom to our society and to break down barriers of separation.