Flowers usually play an important part in weddings and tonight we made artificial flowers for the wedding we’ll soon be celebrating! (I doubt these will be used on the day, but the thought was there!)

There are many traditions regarding flowers and weddings (such as the bride tossing her bouquet and the woman who catches it will supposedly be the next bride) and therefore perhaps it’s no surprise that God sees us too as beautiful flowers: ‘I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.’ (Song of Songs 2:1) So often, we don’t see ourselves as beautiful, but God loves us and cherishes us. Just as there is great variety in flowers, so too we are all different and yet are all loved by God and given different gifts to use in the body of Christ (see Rom 12:3-8, 1 Cor 12:12-31). We need each other and we can be secure in our individuality and our purpose, for God clothes the flowers of the field and cares for us even more.