Dave spoke last night from Luke 15:11-32, the passage commonly known as the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Yet we have to note the context of this parable, spoken to the teachers of the law and the Pharisees. So often, we focus on the younger son (his defiance, repentance and acceptance by the father), but the attitude of the older son is more like the teachers. It is never fully clear whether he accepts or welcomes the return of his brother – this response has to be supplied by those listening to the story.

We are more comfortable with exploring the idea of rebellion and ultimate acceptance and forgiveness than we are at investigating the apparently ‘righteous’ older brother who nonetheless does not know how to respond to grace. The father wants him to respond well, but the story does not give us a neat ending. We have to be the ones who supply the ending. Will we be like the prodigal son and realise our need for grace? Or will we hold on to grudges, resentment and the belief that we can make it on our own? The choice is ours.