What’s your perfect getaway?

For some, it’s the beach: watching the waves lap onto the sand, feeling the breeze on your face and the sand in your toes. For others, it’s a quiet walk in the countryside savouring the birds tweeting and the wild flowers, the sound of running water in ice-cold streams. Others prefer the bustle of a city break or the activity of a theme park.
Few would choose a place of worship as the ideal getaway, but David says that his one aim is to seek God and dwell in his house all the days of his life: ‘That’s the only quiet, secure place in a noisy world, the perfect getaway from the buzz of traffic.’ (Ps 27:5, The Message)
Eacch Sunday, we have the opportunity to re-orient our lives towards God, to focus on Him, to leave behind the things of the world as we fix our hearts and minds on God. Each Sunday, we have the opportunity to anchor ourselves to God, to allow eternal truth to recapture our imaginations, to fill our souls and refine our thinking. To gather with other believers, to refocus our lives. This is a tremendous privilege.

Modern life is full of bustle and noise, busyness and activity. God gives us an opportunity today to ‘get away’ from it all and to seek His face. Join us today at 10.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. to take advantage of this perfect getaway!