Dave spoke tonight from Psalm 8, a psalm written by David, possibly when he was quite young and tending sheep, gazing at the sky and wondering at the majesty of God. His majesty is referenced twice in the psalm and we are also reminded of the magnificence of God’s creation. Yet what is even more amazing is that the God who created the moon and stars, the God of creation, should care for human beings so much and should reveal HImself in such a way that even children and infants can know and praise Him.

The praise of children (and this psalm) are both referred to by Jesus in Matt 21:14-16. Not for Him the disdain of the scribes and priests towards children; instead, He recognised that their praise (‘Hosanna to the Son of David’) was divinely inspired. The way to God is found through simplicity and listening to HIm with humility; Jesus reminds us that we need to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt 18:3)

This psalm touches on many of the ‘big questions’ of life, such as man’s purpose, significance and worth. We exist because God created us and has a purpose for our lives. The insignificance and unimportance felt by so many who have been told there is no God and nothing beyond the stars leads to despair, but the Bible assures us that we have worth and value because of our relationship with God. This unique relationship is alluded to in the psalm (we are ‘made a little lower’) and the fact that we are made by God in His image gives us all immense worth. We are designed to exercise dominion in the world. Hebrews 2 also quotes from this psalm, reminding us that we do not yet see everything subject to Christ (instead of runnig the creation, we seem more intent on ruining it…) but that we see Jesus crowned with glory and honour. On earth, Jesus did many miracles not because He was God, but as man living out God’s purpose for us all; through His suffering and death, we too can be restored to God’s original purpose for humanity. Creation waits in eager expection for the children of God to be revealed (Rom 8:19); God’s purposes are still being worked out and His will will not be defeated.