Tonight’s family service looked at the theme of ‘the dove’, one of the names of the Holy Spirit. Stephen spoke from Matt 3:13-17, when the Spirit of God alighted on Jesus at His baptism in the form of a dove and God the Father spoke, saying ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.’

doveJohn the Baptist had been baptising many in the River Jordan and recognised Jesus, knowing that He had no need of baptism because He had not sinned. Nonetheless, Jesus identified with sinners through His baptism (though He Himself was not sinful) and showed us the way to approach God through repentance. We see that His earthly ministry did not begin until after the Holy Spirit had come upon Him, modelling for us the way to ministry through dependence on God’s Spirit.

The dove is a symbol of innocence, perfection and peace, but His appearance at the baptism of Jesus must have been a ‘wow!’ moment for the crowds being baptised and watching the baptisms. His presence always brings illumination and guidance to us, as the hymn says:

‘Open my eyes, that I may see
glimpses of truth thou hast for me.
Place in my hands the wonderful key
that shall unclasp and set me free.
Silently now I wait for thee,
ready, my God, thy will to see.
Open my eyes; illumine me,
Spirit divine!’ (Clara Scott)