Dave spoke this morning from Phil 4:6-8, looking at Paul’s injunction not to be anxious about anything and how we can rest in God’s care and plan for our lives.

Prayer is the bedrock of our lives, our communication lifeline to God. Matt 6 reminds us that Jesus expected us to pray (‘when you pray’, not if!) and that prayer needs to be sincere (not arising from a desire to show off in front of others, not relying on endless words to get our way.) God honours the prayers of sincere hearts. Some ask why we need to pray since God already knows everything, but we pray in obedient response to God and to focus our minds and hearts on God. Communication is essential to all relationships.

Prayer also involves bringing our petitions (supplications) to God. We can approach God with confidence (Heb 4:16), casting our burdens on Him and relying on Him to sustain us. (Ps 55:25) So often, we keep hold of our burdens, but ‘casting’ means ‘to hurl away’. James reminds us that so often we don’t have because we don’t ask God or we ask with wrong motives. When we bring all our needs to God and seek to obey Him, we can be sure of receiving answers (1 Jn 3:22). Petitioning involves praying for others – for healing, salvation, guidance, for those in leadership and government, asking God to move in revival. There is so much we can ask for!

Thanksgiving is also essential. 1 Tim 6:6 reminds us that godliness with contentment is great gain; it is good to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thess 5:18), so that we can acknowledge God in all situations. Sometimes our thanksgiving is a real sacrifice of praise, but when we worry, we see only the problems. When we are thankful, we see God moving in all situations and can trust Him to work things together for good.

Phil 4:8 reminds us that what we choose to think about is crucial. We must focus on what is true (according to God’s Word), noble, right, pure, lovely, pleasing and admirable, rather than focussing on things that upset us or are harmful. Where the mind leads, the heart will follow; joy comes from adjusting our lives to God’s ways and then living without anxiety or fear.