One of the many blessings of the Internet is the ability to stay connected with people from all over the world. It’s quite strange to think people are reading about this work being done in Goldthorpe in other countries, but I know people have been reading this in Germany, Finland, America, Australia and Canada! It’s possible to let people know what is happening so much more easily these days – photos, messages, e-mails all enable us to stay in touch with people. Prayer requests can be shared; good news can be passed on so quickly. That’s a great blessing.
It’s possible to keep people informed and up-to-date wherever they are and that’s one of the aims of this blog. It would be great to hear from you: whatever your location, post a comment to let us know where you are!
Staying connected to people through good communication is one of the ways we maintain relationships. Our relationship with God is similarly maintained through communication (prayer) and staying in touch with Him through His word, through the sacraments, through fellowship with His people. Acts tells us that those first followers of Christ “devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42) Let’s do likewise and stay connected both to the Body of Christ and to the Lord Himself.
Glückwunsch… zum Gemeindehaus !!! Habe den blog angeschaut. Sieht nach viel Arbeit aus !!!! Das stärkt die Gemeinschaft. Gottes Segen im Vorwärtsgehen wünscht Helga
[Best wishes to the church! Have looked at the blog. Looks like there’s a lot more work to do! That strengthens the community. God’s blessing as you go forward, Love Helga – Norden, Germany]
The Netherlands added to the list of countries!