Many of us are rightly concerned with our physical health, believing that a change to our diet and healthy eating and more physical exercise are beneficial to us. This is commendable and requires discipline and commitment. Rome wasn’t built in a day, as they say, and for us to effect changes in our lifestyles requires determination and perseverance.

Paul is aware that physical training has some value, but reminds us that ‘godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.’ (1 Tim 4:8) The Message version says, ‘Exercise daily in God – no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever.’

Just as a healthy life is helped by rest, good diet, exercises and saying ‘no’ to all that is unhealthy (such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and drugs), there are basic spiritual disciplines we must pursue to increase our spiritual fitness:

  1. prayer
  2. reading, studying and memorising the Bible
  3. fellowship with other Christians
  4. witness – telling other people about God

Without these disciplines, our lives will lack the nutrients we need, the exercise we require (stepping out in faith is great for getting an increased heart rate!) and the good practices of listening to and responding to God which provide the sustenance and direction we need.