At last night’s prayer meeting we were challenged by Matthew West’s song to ‘Do Something.’ (You can listen to the song here.) So often, we pray, ‘God, do something!‘ and there are many things only God can do, but at the same time, He has created us to do something too: to be salt and light in our communities, to be a city on a hill (Matt 5:13-16).

There is so much individuals and churches can do. We need to ask God to fan into flame the gifts He has given us and help us to know how we can serve Him best. That might be through existing church ministries: serving drinks at the coffee morning on Saturdays, helping with the youth club on Monday evenings, helping at the Parent & Todder group on Friday mornings or teaching children at Sunday School on Sundays. But it may well mean stepping out of our comfort zones to do something new: helping at one of the ‘Churches Together’ events, perhaps, or starting something new because God is calling you to ‘do something’. Many, many people are helped because individuals responded to God’s call to get involved, to do something for the poor, the homeless, the sick, the marginalised. Let’s pray and seek God for what He wants each one of us to do, for He created us to be His hands and feet that are actively working to show His love. God’s primary tool for helping the world is the church. What can YOU do?