There are a few special events coming up… Have you got your diaries ready?!
Sunday 6th November
This is the next family service at 6 p.m. and we have all been requested to bring items costing no more than £1 to ‘swap’ as part of the service. No further details available, so the theme is as yet unknown, but we’re sure this will be a fun service if we all join in!
Saturday 12th November
This is the baptismal service – times and details to be announced. It’s always great to celebrate new life in Christ and we are thrilled to be able to baptise new believers.
Saturday 17th December
The Christian singer Paul Poulton will be leading a ‘Christmas Extravaganza’ at church that evening. Paul is a skilled communicator and musician, so we are hoping for a great evening’s entertainment. Bring your friends along!