Stephen’s message on the Olympic theme was from Hebrews 12:1-3. The Olympics will see crowds of people coming to watch as spectators; the Bible teaches that we are surrounded by a great crowd of witnesses who are there to cheer us on and encourage us to put off everything that would distract us or hinder us so that we can keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
For all those taking part in the Olympics this year, it will be a life-changing experience for them, rather like the experience Steve Austin faced in the TV series! ‘The Six Million Dollar Man’ We too have the opportunity for a life-changing experience when we come to know Jesus and are then called to run the race for life, picking up the gauntlet and keeping our eyes focussed on the finishing line.
The song below is taken from this passage in Hebrews and reminds us that we do not run alone in this race for life. Each Olympic athlete ultimately has to compete on their own; Jesus has promised to be with us always to help us, strengthen us and carry us:
‘Like I Never Felt Before’, Aaron Shust