J-P spoke tonight from Phil 4:10-20, entitling his sermon ‘Return on Investment.’ In the financial world, this refers to the profit made on investment (e.g. if you invest £1000 and your return is £1200, you have a 20% return on your original investment), but of course, investment does not just apply to the financial world. We invest in many things, including our families and the kingdom of God.
For a parent, what investment is made in your children’s lives? This is not just the financial cost (which was estimated to be £71,611 for a couple to raise a child to the age of 18) but those nights without sleep, the provision of transport to and from activities, the prayers and plans which every parent knows well. We invest in our children and grandchildren because of our love for them, and we reap a return through our ongoing relationship with them. In terms of investment in the kingdom of God, Paul had much to thank the Philippian church for. His evangelism (resulting in the conversion of Lydia and her whole household and the Philippian jailer and his household), told in Acts 16, led to the formation of the church there and in this letter, he was extremely grateful for their generosity and financial support. He was not dependent on them, but understood that their service and sacrifice to God would be rewarded (declaring that God would meet all their needs).
We can never outgive God. To the Corinthians, Paul said, ‘you will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion.’ (2 Cor 9:11) When we invest in God, He invests in us and blesses us in ways we can’t imagine. All we have is from God, but the question remains, what are we going to give to Him? He’s not just interested in our money, but our whole lives!