Mental health is crucially important to our overall wellbeing. Good mental health helps us to have perspective in difficult circumstances and to be resilient people who may wobble like a Weeble but who ultimately don’t fall down (and who can get up again if they do fall!)

Peace is an essential ingredient in mental health, because turmoil, insecurity, doubt and anxiety rob us of peace and strength. Isaiah says that God ‘will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in You.’ (Isaiah 26:3)

How do we develop steadfast minds? How do we become unwavering people?

Isaiah links peace and steadfastness to trust. Those who trust in God will be kept in perfect peace. This is a promise God makes and therefore we can have hope, because God doesn’t make promises He can’t keep!

Trusting in God is the antidote to wavering and wobbling, to fear and anxiety. Trust in God steadies us. As we focus on God’s love, mercy, faithfulness and reliability, we are given external help (peace) to keep us steadfast and firm.