Thursday 12 December
Jesus lived in difficult times. He was not universally liked and respected. Many religious leaders hated him and were successful in plotting to kill Him. If anyone had cause to be worried, Jesus did.
And yet we don’t find Him being panicked, paranoid or afraid. Jesus demonstrated trust in God which enabled Him to face opposition and hatred with equanimity. When He tells us not to let our hearts be troubled (John 14:1), we need to consider who is talking!
In that final conversation with His disciples before His crucifixion, Jesus spoke about peace. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27)
Peace is God’s gift to us. It is, as we have said, supernatural peace, God’s peace. It might not be definable or explainable, but it is real. It’s not like the world’s peace, based on shifting sands. It’s solid, dependable, available. It’s a gift.
At Christmas time we will receive gifts. They must be opened and used to be of any real benefit to us. There’s little merit in an unopened gift or one left on a shelf or put away in a cupboard. God has many gifts for us, but we have to receive them, open them and use them for there to be any lasting benefit to us.
Fear and anxiety rob us of God’s gift of peace. We need to let go of them to embrace this precious Advent gift of peace.