As any follower of this blog will know, painting is not one of my pleasures. When we first decorated the building, I was happy to resolutely stay in the kitchen cooking food for all the troops who were much more adept than I with a paintbrush or roller. However, in putting up the new notice board with photos (more of which anon), it became obvious that the foyer needed re-decorating and most people seemed to be otherwise occupied this weekend, so I volunteered to do the job. Others running a quiet coffee morning yesterday were greatly amused to see how much of the paint ended up on me and willingly volunteered to take photos as ‘evidence for the blog.’ There are times when one’s words come back to haunt, it seems…!

The notice board became a project in itself and one which is not yet fully complete. It started with a vague idea that photos of the different teams serving the community from our church could be displayed in the foyer area to contrast with the photos of Goldthorpe in the main area. As usual with most of the vague ideas we have, the actual implementation of the idea so far has involved considerably more effort than originally envisaged: a signwriter, a firm selling plastic (can’t wait to tell you that story when the notice board is complete; it deserves its own post!), wood batons that needed painting, engineering skills from Garry to get the sign on the wall (the plastic remains for next week’s job list!), a picture bought during a trip to Derbyshire, Stacey’s photographic skills and equipment (I’ve finally found a profession which carries more stuff than I did as a teacher!) and, of course, everyone’s photophobia which made finding six photographs (out of about eighty taken!) quite a task. All of that awaits you, hopefully before the New Year!