One of the things I tend to do when I am thinking about a sermon is to look at different ways of expressing the truths I have heard. Synonyms are similar ways of saying the same thing. So as I was thinking about ‘pivotal point incidents’, moments in our lives when things are ‘tipped’ in one direction and the direction of our lives changes, I considered other ways of putting this.
‘Coming to a crossroads’ reminded me of Mark’s sermon ‘The Dream Cross Code’ back in April. You have to decide which way to take when you’re at a crossroads; you can’t just stay there forever!
A ‘defining moment’ or ‘do or die’ time are other ways of putting this. You’re at a ‘critical juncture’ or a ‘crisis point’. You’re at the ‘point of no return’ or we could say it’s a ‘sink or swim’ time. You’re at the ‘turning point’, or ‘zero hour’. You’re at ‘high noon’; it’s the ‘moment of truth’ for you. You’re about to ‘cross the Rubicon’ (which refers to Julius Caesar’s army’s crossing of the river in 49 BC, which was considered an act of insurrection, and therefore signalled ‘no turning back’ for him in that situation.)
All of these synonyms show us how crucial a P.P.I. is in our lives. There is usually a build-up to these moments; they can’t always be predicted ahead of time. But an encounter with God will always transform us and change us. Paul says, ‘we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.’ (2 Cor 3:18 TNIV). Let’s contemplate Him and be aware that in so doing, our lives will be transformed into His image.