For four years, Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel while working on a hanging scaffold. The work was demanding, but as a superb artist, he always maintained a standard of excellence and expanded the project from a simple depiction of the twelve apostles to include more than four hundred figures and nine scenes from the book of Geneis. When asked why he was working so hard on a dark corner of the chapel that no one would ever see, Michelangelo replied, “God will see.” Ultimately, he worked for God, not simply for humans.
We are definitely not Michelangelo, but we hope that the same spirit of “God will see” has inspired our angel scarecrow which is now in place for the Snap Tin Community Hub Scarecrow Trail, which will take place over this weekend. Our angel scarecrow is a reminder to all that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5) His white robe sparkles with silvery spots and his head is enrobed in gold. White lights adorn his body and he has a gold belt from which hang different Bible verses about light, including the verse that says, ‘The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (John 1:5) You may well not be able to see these things from a distance, but they are there, a visual reminder that God is light and that because of this, light shines in the darkness and His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

Have a look at all the scarecrows on the trail and vote for our angel scarecrow if you want to (number 5 on the trail). But even if you don’t, know that light will prevail over darkness and you can trust in God’s light, life and love always.
How to vote is in the picture below.