A classical rendition of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ from Placido Domingo and Sissel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iw3GGhhHnU

Today’s charity is MAF (Missionary Aviation Fellowship)

MAF is a Christian charity which seeks to “advance its mission of sharing the love of Jesus and seeking to physically and spiritually transform isolated people by serving mission, humanitarian, and government organisations in remote locations throughout the world through aviation and technology solutions by utilising highly trained pilots, efficient aircraft, and out-of-the box technology applications.”

Essentially I think of MAF as a servant. It provides aircraft and pilots which enable local people and missionaries to work in remote areas which are inaccessible by other methods of transport. MAF planes fly in Asia, Africa, Eurasia and Latin America. The list of countries served is truly impressive:
• Democractic Republic of the Congo
• Haiti
• Mozambique,
• Indonesia
• Zimbabwe
• Papua New Guinea
• Lesotho
• Bangladesh
• Chad
• Kenya
• Uganda
• East Timor
• Tanzania
• South Africa
• Mongolia
• Brazil
• Ecuador
• Guatemala
• Mexico
• Suriname
• Angola

This charity reminds me of Paul’s comments on the body in Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12. We all have different functions and roles and simply transporting people and goods from one place to another may not seem particularly ‘spiritual’. But the realisation that this ministry saves lives (getting people to hospital when they might otherwise die) and frees missionaries to serve in other ways reminds me that whatever our calling, we are all needed and have a part to play in God’s work.