Last week, Dave challenged us to pray for revival. Let’s make that the focus of our prayers throughout October (and beyond!) Revival means a renewal of life, a return to halth and strength. Only God can revive us and bring repentance and salvation, but every revival throughout history has begun in the prayer room. We need to take seriously God’s call to pray for revival, both individually and corporately.

Pray for:

  • God to revive His church in Goldthorpe and the surrounding area, bringing new life, zeal, authority and power to His people
  • God’s people to hunger and thirst for God, seeking Him in prayer both individually and corporately
  • a spirit of repentance and obedience to be evident in our lives
  • revival to touch those who do not yet believe, that we may see many people brought into the kingdom of God.

Charles Finney once said, ‘Revival is a renewed conviction of sin and repentance, followed by an intense desire to live in obedience to God. It is giving up one’s will to God in deep humility.’  Nothing other than the presence and power of God can satisfy us. We need God to move in reviving power, changing us from the inside out.
