This week is the ‘National Volunteer Week’ in the UK, an opportunity to celebrate volunteering in all its diversity.

As a church, we simply couldn’t exist without volunteers. Church members volunteer in so many different ways: in bringing God’s word to us, in serving through music ministry, in helping run Sunday School and youth clubs, in serving coffee and tea after services and at the coffee morning, in running the Parent & Toddler group, in cleaning the church building, in providing for the local food bank and in many, many more ways. We are profoundly grateful for everything that people do and for their faithfulness and service.

Volunteering in the community is a great way to be involved locally and in that sense builds community itself. We are privileged to be able to be involved in local events (such as the recent Dinosaur Day) and are looking forward to working with the Dearne Area Team over the summer holidays in providing ‘Summer Fun’ days on Wednesdays for local families. These start on 25th July (at the Salvation Army) and we will be hosting a ‘Summer Fun’ day at GPCC on Wednesday 15th August from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. Volunteers are needed at these events, so please do join us if you can help!

Thank you to everyone who serves God and the church so faithfully each week. We couldn’t do this without you!