Bible studies in Romans resume this coming week (Thursday 15th September at 7.30 p.m.) We’re up to Romans 10 and will be looking at this book every Thursday except the first Thursday in the month, which is a prayer meeting.
Just to bring us up-to-date on what we’ve studied so far…
Romans 1 & 2 look at the plight of the world without God – where we are, whether we’re a Jew or a Gentile, without God.
Romans 3 shows us that we’re all sinners and have fallen short of God’s glory, but God has provided a solution that is not through our own righteousness.
Romans 4 reminds us that the way of faith has always been God’s plan – Abraham was justified not by observing the law, but by believing God and acting in faithful obedience to all He said.
Romans 5 reminds us that there are basically only two ways in the world – the way of Adam (the ‘first man’) and the way of Jesus. Only Jesus can lead us into new life with God.
Romans 6 looks at how easily this gospel of grace might be misinterpreted and at how we have a new master. Freedom from sin is not the same thing as licence to do as we please.
Romans 7 looks at the struggle we all face between our flesh (the sinful way of living) and the spiritual way of life. We just can’t make it on our own.
Romans 8 assures us, however, that there is a new way of living, where there is no condemnation for those in Christ, where we can know that nothing can separate us from the love of God, where we can really understand our inheritance and acceptance into God’s family.
Romans 9 and the chapters we’ll initially be studying look at the ongoing relationship between Jews and Gentiles and the whole question of ‘Israel’. Come along to find out more!
There is a song on the new Aaron Shust CD entitled ‘We Are Free’ and that reminded me of some of the things that we discovered, particularly in Romans 6-8, about the idea of ‘freedom from’ and ‘freedom to’:
“We are more than conquerors
We don’t have to be afraid
Nothing is as powerful as His love.
Oh, the way He gave His Son
To give life to everyone
Not a thing can separate us from His love.
It’s the life and the hope that He brings,
His forgiveness that leads us to sing:
We are free to love like our God has loved;
We are free to give like He gave.
We are free from sin,
We are free to begin to forgive as He forgave.
We are free.
We are living evidence
He restores our innocence
Jesus stands in our defence, all for love
It’s the grace and the peace that He brings
His forgiveness that leads us to sing.
Nothing can separate us
Nothing can separate us, Lord.
Nothing can ever take us from You.
Nothing can separate us
Nothing can separate us, Lord.
Nothing can ever take us from You.”
I think someone else has been studying Romans!
You can listen to the song here.