Building work generally takes more than one session to complete, though I usually don’t post photos until you can see the progression. This work was completed today, so yesterday we had the fun of looking at the framework and door when there were still panels missing.
This was what we saw yesterday:
You’d be surprised (and perhaps a little alarmed!) to hear what various people thought was lurking behind the door! Some suggested it could serve as a broom cupboard or storeroom as well as hiding the boiler (eminently practical), but others thought it was a confessional (slightly alarming, given the lack of privacy, not to mention space, in the room!)
It was undoubtedly this conversation which prompted me to take this photo of the new confessionals at Ampleforth Abbey this afternoon!
On the door, in Latin and in English, are the words “The cross conquers; the cross reigns; the cross puts every sin to flight.” I would definitely agree with that sentiment, though I’m very glad it’s a boiler room at our church and not a confessional!