Mark announced a special month of prayer and fasting in January 2013. Church members were encouraged to sign up to specific days for praying and fasting so that we can, between us, cover the whole month with prayer.
Pray that we will see:
1. the community regeneration scheme put back on schedule (this involves schools, housing, refurbishment, street regeneration etc.)
2. the people of Goldthorpe of all ages coming to know God, their lives being impacted by the Holy Spirit
3. God’s blessing, guidance and protection as we prayer walk the streets
4. the empty chairs in church filled (with families, with old people, and with young people alike) so that there is an increase in the congregation
5. God’s direction on the spiritual and practical outreach that He wants us to do (so that we have wisdom to do the right thing & put on the right events)
6. the development and training of people into their calling and ministry
7. Pray for wisdom, vision, strength, protection and health for your church leaders and their families
8. signs and wonders in God’s house; the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be present and active in us!
9. people who have backslidden return to God and to church
10. continued blessing on our outreaches (Mother & Toddler, Youth, badminton & food scheme)