Stephen preached from Psalm 93 this morning, looking at the might and majesty of God.
The psalm begins by telling us ‘the Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty.’ A coronation is probably the time when we appreciate the majesty of a king or queen. It’s a public display showing the power invested in the crowned person. They wear elaborate robes and gowns and their crown is the symbol of their authority.
Queen Elizabeth II at her coronation in 1953:
God’s splendour and majesty are enormous. He is ‘armed with strength’ and rules for all eternity. All of creation rises up to give glory to God. The pounding waves and breakers of the sea all acknowledge how mighty God is. We should be like the waves, relentlessly giving praise to God, never ending, never ceasing in our ongoing acknowledgment of who He is!
God’s holiness adorns Him. Do we reflect His holiness? Do we see His strength from on high? May we praise Him and reflect Him in all we do.