A metaphor is ‘a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.’ Last week, we looked at the way Ezekiel saw the river of God and how this is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit. Metaphors abound when we are trying to understand the Godhead, because God is so far above us that they are a helpful way for us to truly begin to grasp who God is. The Holy Spirit is described in various places as a dove (Matt 3:16, Mark 1:10, Luke 3:22, John 1:32), as a pledge or seal (Eph 1:14, 2 Cor 1:21-22), as wind (John 3:8) and as fire (Acts 2:3). These metaphors help us to see different characteristics of the Holy Spirit: the dove symbolises the beginning of a new creation through the work of the promised, Spirit-empowered Messiah, reminding us also of the new beginning after the flood when the dove brought back the olive branch to Noah (Genesis 8); the pledge or seal reminds us of the law and God’s legal claim on us; wind ‘seems to underline the inscrutable nature of his moving in the hearts of people to give them life and bring them to faith’ (www.bible.org) and fire represents the holy, all-consuming presence of God. (see Ex 3:2-5, Ex 13:21-22, Ex 40:36-38).

We often sing the song ‘Consuming Fire’ by Tim Hughes which touches on the metaphors of wind (breath) and fire, and there are numerous other songs which take the metaphor of fire as their subject. Rend Collective’s ‘Burn Like A Star’ takes this theme too and is a prayer for God to ‘burn like a star, light a fire in our hearts…awaken holy fire…light a flame in us.’ We need God’s fire to burn in our hearts if we are to know God’s resurrection power in our lives and witness.

‘We were born for greater things
We were born to chase Your dreams
Come, my Lord, awaken holy fire.

We are turning from our sin
We are praying once again
Come, my Lord, awaken holy fire

We are aching for the real thing,
Hearts are open wide.

Burn like a star,
Light a fire in our hearts.

Send revival; start in us;
Set Your holy spark in us,
Send us out in resurrection power

History’s about to change
We are rising once again
Send us out in resurrection power.

We are aching for the real thing
Hearts are open wide

Burn like a star
Light a fire in our hearts

For Your glory
For Your fame
In this darkness
Light a flame in us.’ (‘Burn Like A Star’, Rend Collective)