The good thing about working from home is that it allows me to listen to music while I work. Whilst my mind is busy writing lesson plans, my spirit is free to think about other things!
I have never managed to cope with the ‘random’ feature on MP3 players. Life is random enough as it is without the music I listen to being random! So I tend to set the computer to play a particular artist and work through their albums in chronological order (I bet you knew I’d be like that, didn’t you?!) Today’s offering is Chris Tomlin and I’m currently on ‘See The Morning’, an album very dear to my heart as it sustained me through my original diagnosis of diabetes in 2006. Music is often associated with memories, I find.
The second track on this album is ‘Made To Worship’. The Westminster Catechism tells us that ‘the chief purpose of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.’ John Piper has argued that that ought to read ‘glorify God by enjoying Him forever’ and talks about Christian hedonism. So often in life we wonder ‘What’s the point? Why are we here?’ If you are feeling like that in the frantic run-up to Christmas (less than a week to go now!), I would urge you to slow down long enough to read the words of the song, which reflect our true purpose in life.
“You and I were made to worship
You and I are called to love
You and I are forgiven and free
When you and I embrace surrender
When you and I choose to believe
Then you and I will see who we were meant to be
All we are
And all we have
Is all a gift from God that we receive
Brought to life
We open up our eyes
To see the majesty and glory of the King.” (Chris Tomlin, ‘Made To Worship’)
Chris Tomlin, ‘Made To Worship’