On this, Saint Valentine’s Day,

As earthly love is celebrated

With cards and chocolates, jewellery and lingerie,

As couples do their best

To show appreciation and affection,

May we, like grateful lovers,

Lift our eyes to the One who is altogether lovely

And boldly proclaim our love for Him

Who loved us with an everlasting love,

Who walked the Via Dolorosa to that lonely

Place of the Skull,

Who tasted vinegar and gall,

Not honey,

In order to save our souls.

May we, with adoration ablaze

And hearts that ache for intimacy,

Reach forth to the One

Whose outstretched arms

Portray more vividly than any fluffy toy

The height and depth and length and breadth

Of love eternal.

May we learn the language of adoration,

The gaze of wordless affection,

And may we then rise forth,

Hand in hand,

To tell the world

‘I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine,

And His banner over me is love.’