Kevin preached from 2 Chronicles 5:13-6:12, concluding his series on the building of the temple. This reading looks at the dedication of the temple, dreamt of by David but built by his son, Solomon, as prophesied by Nathan.
Get Back Up Again
It was David’s desire to build a temple for the ark of the covenant, but although Nathan originally endorsed this plan, God spoke clearly saying that David, although a great king and warrior, was not the man to do this job (2 Samuel 7). When God says ‘No’, it can be difficult for us to come to terms with, but we need to be like the figure skaters who fall when practising but who get up again and practise repeatedly in order to perfect their skills. As Toby Mac sings:
“We lose our way,
We get back up again,
It’s never too late
To get back up again
One day you’re gonna shine again.”(‘Get Back Up’, Toby Mac)
‘Get Back Up’, Toby Mac
God keeps His promises
God is faithful to do what He has promised. David gave Solomon the charge to build the temple, as God had told him. He urged Solomon to know God, serve Him and seek Him, reminding him that there was always more. He knew the truth of the fact that God does not fail or forsake us (see 1 Chron 28:20).
Lord, do it again
We long to see God move again. We need to see Him move afresh in our lives. Each time we come into His presence, we need to meet with Him and be changed. We shouldn’t go out unchanged from His presence. The woman who touched the hem of the cloak of Jesus was changed and healed by that touch. We need to be prepared to reach out and touch the God who does not change (see Hebrews 13:8, Luke 24:22-23).
At the dedication of the temple, God’s glory fell. We pray ‘fill this place with Your holy presence so that we are overwhelmed and changed’. Despair is turned to hope as we are in God’s presence. Matt 20:29-34 recounts the healing of two blind beggars. Jesus asked them, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ We need to be unafraid to ask God and to let Him know the longings and yearnings of our hearts.