There are very few incidents from Jesus’s life before His ministry started when He was about thirty years old which are recorded in Scripture and it is easy to read those that are simply as a historical narrative account. Stephen spoke from Luke 2:41-52 this morning, looking at the incident when Jesus stays behind in Jerusalem to learn more of His Father.
The Jewish custom, we read, was to go to Jerusalem for the Festival of the Passover. Traditions may easily tie us up, but it is good, nonetheless, to make special time to meet with God, to listen, to hear, to give Him our undivided attention. We don’t read much about what happened in Jerusalem, but the focus on the journey home soon turns to wondering where Jesus is. It’s every parent’s nightmare. To lose a child, even for a few minutes, can be terrifying.
We can journey on in life and not notice that Jesus is missing. We can be easily distracted and lose our vision and the focus of our lives. If that happens, we need to retrace our steps, just as Mary and Joseph did, and go back to find Jesus.
They found Him in the temple. He was learning more about God, listening, asking questions, wanting even at that young age to be about His Father’s business. He was in the right place at the right time. Everyone was astonished at His understanding and learning. He knew what it was to put His relationship with His Father first. We too need to learn that.