Mark continued his series on Joseph this morning, speaking about the blessings Jacob gave him before he died (Gen 49:22-26). These were abundant blessings indeed – hyperblessings, as Mark called them (reminiscent of hyperdrives and hyperactivity, indicating something above and beyond the norm!)

Joseph is an object lesson to us of the truth of Jer 29:11. God’s plans for us are good; He thinks about us, giving personal attention to our lives (not just writing a list of plans and having no further involvement in them.)  From being a 17 year old shepherd on minimum wage, at this stage in his life, he was the second-in-command of Egypt, the most powerful nation in the world at that time. Tragedy and heartache ultimately gave way to prosperity and blessing. 1 Cor 2:9 reminds us that God has prepared things in advance for us to do, and His plans are above and beyond anything we may imagine.

Jacob’s blessing indicates expanding fruitfulness and a reminder that even when there is opposition, God’s plans will prevail. Our arms may not be strong enough to cope, but His hands are: He is our Shepherd and Rock. A triple blessing was prophesied over him – all the blessings of heaven and earth as well as the blessings of relationships (friends and family.) We are similarly blessed!