Recent sermons have looked at parts of Jesus’s body, including His eyes, hands and heart. Just this week I came across a statement (for a travel company) that made me pause. In the ‘About Us’ section of the company (, it says ‘His vision is Our vision’, talking about the founder member’s vision for the company and how this has shaped company policy.

That mission statement seems to me to be a pretty accurate summary of what a Christian should be saying. God’s vision should be our vision. We need to see things the way He sees them. That will mean looking at ‘hopeless’ situations and people with the eyes of hope and faith rather than despair. It will mean looking at ‘impossible’ situations and people with the eyes of love rather than scorn. It will mean looking at situations that are beyond our control with the eyes of faith. It will mean saying “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Gen 18:14). It will mean acknowledging the truth of Jesus’s words: “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matt 19:26)

Twenty-five years ago today, the place where I work (Barnsley Christian School) was opened, the result of Christians catching a vision for Christian education. His vision became their vision and vision led to action. It always will. May we see with God’s vision until that vision becomes ours.