Easter Sunday is here and we rejoice with the message of the angels that ‘He is not here, but has risen.’ (Luke 24:1-12) These words were spoken to the women who had come to the tomb expecting to anoint the body of their Lord. They had come ‘to bury with him their hopes of a new way of living, their dreams of a world which was governed by justice and mercy, a kingdom of righteousness and truth.’ (‘Sharing The Easter Story’, P 218) But as they arrived, musing how they were going to roll the stone away, they found that God had been before them and changed everything.

This is what Easter is all about: the God who died and rose again and changes everything. Phil Wickham, in the song ‘Christ Is Risen’, sings,

‘The prodigal is welcomed home,
The sinner now a saint,
For the God who died came back to life
And everything is changed.’

Everything is changed. We are changed. As we hear these words properly, take them into our hearts and live by them, we are changed. ‘And then we must share this wonderful story, because this news is too good to keep to ourselves!’ (‘Sharing The Easter Story’, P 219)