Revelation 19 speaks of Christ’s ultimate victory over sin and evil (He is here portrayed as being ‘faithful and true’, a rider on a white horse in command of armies, the ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’) and points to a glorious future for believers (the bride of Christ) as we are told of the wedding supper of the Lamb that is to come. Even today, weddings are occasions of great joy, and the wedding reception (or wedding breakfast) is an occasion for friends and family to come together to eat and drink in celebration. Couples often spend much money on table decorations, lighting, wedding favours and lavish meals, wanting to mark their special occasion as best they can. I vividly remember my son’s wedding when church members worked hard to decorate the community room with fairy lights, pompoms, table decorations, flowers and beautiful tableware and to prepare a feast fit for a king! One parent who attended our Parent & Toddler group at the time stood at the door for a sneak preview as she passed the building and her jaw literally dropped at the transformation she beheld. How much greater will be this heavenly celebration!
The wedding of the Lamb is the culmination of history, and for those who have fine linen to wear thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, a reason to celebrate. But for those who have rejected Christ, this great supper will signal destruction and total judgment (see Rev 19:17-21). This reminds us that now is the time of God’s favour, now is the day of salvation. (2 Cor 6:2) When Christ rides out of heaven in splendour, it will be too late to choose. Choose now!