Dave spoke this morning from Zechariah 4:6-10. Often, we are influenced by the idea that everything must be big, but many great inventions started with a small idea; Zechariah reminds us not to despise the day of small beginnings. (Zech 4:10)The Jews had been exiled from their home land for 70 years and had now returned; this was a time of rebuilding. Yet after so many years away, doubts were hindering this process, as they continue to do so frequently, even today. We have to learn to listen to God and not to those who sow doubts.

Zechariah reminds us that God’s power is what is important, not our ability or inability. (Zech 4:6) Satan is a powerful liar and wants us to believe that we cannot prevail, but God empowers us. 2 Cor 10:3-5 reminds us that we have divine weapons given to us by God; we have all we need to overcome the enemy and the world. The power of the Holy Spirit promised in Acts 1:8 can be ours today.

Secondly, God’s power removes obstacles. (Zech 4:7) Mighty mountains can be removed in God (see Luke 10:18, Luke 19:20).

God rejoices over our work; He can use anything for His glory, even the jawbone of a donkey or a tent peg can achieve mighty things in God! Spiritual gifts are given to us by God, not for ourselves, but for others. His power is given to us to witness and to ensure that the church grows. We may often feel that we are a minority who cannot do anything, but we must remember that Israel went into Egypt with about 70 people and left with millions! We have already seen what God can do with our little (purchasing a building costing over £160,000 with only £7,000 in our bank account!) There is no limit to what God can do in us and through us by His Spirit.