On Sunday 6 August we welcomed 75 people into our family service. At the ‘Churches Together’ family fun days we have been looking at the parables of Jesus and in particular over the summer at the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son (Luke 15). In each of these stories, we saw that there is a party in heaven every time someone comes back to God, so we decided to throw our own party to celebrate God’s goodness and kindness to us.
We sang a song about the shepherd looking for the lost sheep, searched for lost sheep in the building and heard a story about Cecil the Sheep by Andrew McDonough.
We played Pass The Parcel and enjoyed party dancing with bubbles and disco lights.
We had party food, because a party without food just doesn’t seem right, and God talks about that great party in heaven by comparing it to a wedding banquet!
We also had fun on the Bouncy Castle and on the Nerf Shootout provided by Alison Taylor-Fellows. All in all, we had a great time!