At our former building on Beever Street, the truth that ‘God is love’ (1 Jn 4:8) was written on the back wall in large letters:

img_0946This simple but profound truth has the power to transform our lives. Stephen spoke from 1 John 4:7-17 this morning, reminding us that God’s love is not flat, but is four-dimensional. Just as a child’s pop-up book captures the child’s imagination and brings the story to life through its careful use of 3-D images, so too do we find that God’s love, fuelled by Father, Son and Spirit, has the power to shape and transform us. God’s love gives: the Father gave His only Son, so that we might have fellowship with Him and with each other. God’s Son is a channel for that love, a love which is unconditional and which motivates us to love. As we hear, see and read of God’s love, we are invited also to experience and participate in that love by His Spirit. Nothing else can satisfy, fuel and keep us.