Here is a further update from Steve & Katuska Davies, about to go out to Mozambique:
“It’s proving to be a memorable summer. The Little Ice Age came to an end, spring rather hurried through and now the sun is gazing indulgently even on the west of Scotland! Some of us, meaning Steve and the boys, have been sleeping out in the tent just to keep cool. Strawberries and cream are everywhere, Murray won Wimbledon (to herald a new golden age in Anglo-Scottish relations) and the First Test at Trent Bridge is warming up. Surely any Brits in their right minds wouldn’t be thinking of going abroad just now?
And yet, there we’ll be in three weeks’ time: at the Emirates check-in desk, with our worldly goods condensed into five fat suitcases and a clutch of documents to prove it’s really happening. This will be the summer that we go to Mozambique.
The latest stages of the journey have gone well. We’ve managed to revisit many good friends; Burnside Blairbeth Church treated us to a moving farewell and commissioning service; the boys finished school with good reports; we’ve driven south to visit Steve’s family. Still to come is a trip to Belfast for our niece Astrid’s wedding and a week’s camp for the boys. Otherwise, packing.
Thank you so much for your prayers! Our God has been faithful, has kept us on track and confirmed his will for us. Please keep praying in two areas: first for the boys, because in the middle of all the packing they still need our attention, and if they don’t get it we only tend to find out later; and second for visas and other bureaucracy, because despite our best efforts we’re at the mercy of other people, and their computers.”