To follow is to be in motion behind a person, to be associated with someone and to be in sequence behind them. Jesus was followed by many people while on earth. He was followed by the curious and the needy (see Matt 4:23-25, Matt 14:13-14), when we see those in need of healing following Jesus and finding in Him the healing and wholeness they needed. He was also followed by people who had been affected by His presence (see Matt 20:29-34, Mark 5:1-20).
The next level of followers were those who were grateful for Jesus’s intervention in their desperate situations, such as those who had been healed (Luke 17:11-19).But others, of course, did not rise to the challenge of following Jesus 9Matt 19:16-22).and Jesus certainly did not want followers who did not understand the cost (see Mark 8:34-38). He made the cost of following Him and being His disciple plain to others (Matt 10:34-39; Matt 16:24), showing us that those who follow wholeheartedly may well lose family support and help.The cost of following Jesus can be great (see Heb 11:36-38), but He still issues the call to follow Him, as He did to those first disciples (see Mark 2:13-14, Luke 5:1-11).
Jim Elliot, missionary to Ecuador, said, ‘He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.’ Jesus wants wholehearted followers. We may start off following Him simply to have our needs met, but we need to progress to be followers who are wholly devoted to Him.